Making Contact!
Physical Contact, Physical Relationships
Intimacy & Fight.
Making Contact is a six-week physical theatre workshop that asks: How do performers make contact? How is it managed? How can actors prepare for physical, violent, or intimate scenes? This playful yet practical course provides a safe, yet brave space to build confidence and skill in physical connection.
Participants will explore consent and boundary-setting practices, alongside dynamic exercises like gameplay, contact improvisation and shared weight work designed to build confidence toward physical contact. Scenes involving intimacy, violence, and imaginary relationships will be approached with care and professionalism.
Led by a certified fight and intimacy director with over 30 years’ international experience, Making Contact is ideal for actors looking to set healthy boundaries, overcome nervousness around contact, or explore and extend their outer personal edges of physical performance. It offers practical tools for theatre and film while fostering trust, openness, and joy in the craft.
Participants will explore…
- Industry standards in intimacy and consent work
- Physical exploration and game play
- Contact improv and shared weight
- Exploration of theatrical violence
- Engagement in imaginary relationships under physical circumstances
- Exploration of moments involving physical theatre, stage intimacy and any theatrical violence
- Practices in body preparation and physical/mental closure
Participants will have the opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct chosen scenes, to explore the physical practicalities of the relationships within those scenes and the portrayal of the physical actions that take place within them.
In Person Training
Six in-person training sessions. Three hours each. Sessions include physical warm-ups and body conditioning, physical acrobatics, shared weight and physical gameplay. Training in theatrical intimacy and boundary setting. Physical training and guidance in preparation towards scenes involving physical relationships, intimacy, shared weight and theatrical violence.
Free Drop-in Oppertunity
Each student will be offered a free attendance ticket to any Meisner based drop-in session being held by Body Mind Voice during the training.